Bei Janitos bieten wir Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Gesundheitsversicherungen, die sich ganz nach Ihren Bedürfnissen richten. Ob jung oder alt, berufstätig oder im Ruhestand – wir haben die perfekte Versicherungslösung für...
Slimy? Eww. Beady eyes? Double eww. Fangs filled with deathly venom? Yeah, I’m creeped out and running for the hills. Snakes have the uncanny ability to shame even the...
Whether you’re a tech newbie or a confident veteran, it’s easy to feel that as soon as you have mastered one piece of technology, it all changes. If you’re...
Couples Sunbathing – 1940s
We stand to be corrected but doesn’t it look like the two couples in the photo had their double date all planned only to have a...
Spring is upon us. Health should always be a priority, but it’s easy to lose sight of health goals with the daily grind — especially during a time as challenging...
The ancient Greeks already knew: no one is responsible for your happiness except yourself. While life can present its challenges, it’s often the little things that make a big...
As we reported early last year, Kathy Bates is re-entering the procedural workforce with Matlock, a reboot of the classic series known for inspiring classic...
Gwen Stefani, 1998
It’s unclear when precisely it occurred, but sometime in the late ‘90s, raver fashion transitioned from subcultural scenes to the glamour of...